Do you know that I can see you? Open your camera and try! Hello! I am an emotionally responsive web page Gentlemen, welcome to the emotional responsive web page! Ladies, welcome to the emotional responsive web page! I am GDPR compliant and do not record your image or your personal data. Scroll down the page and find out how everything fits you. I can’t see you Unfortunately, the camera is not available or you have chosen not to use it
Do you know
that I can
see you?
Open your camera
and try!
I am an emotionally
responsive web page.
Gentlemen, welcome
to the emotional
responsive web page!
Ladies, welcome
to the emotional
responsive web page!
I am GDPR compliant and do not record your image or your personal data.
Scroll down the page and find out how everything fits you. I can’t see you Unfortunately, the camera is not available or you have chosen not to use it
Gender Welcome! Gentlemen, welcome! Ladies, welcome! I am able to perceive your gender and change photos and background colors to meet your tastes.
I know how old you are
I know how old
you are
Images, tone of voice and content can be different based on who you are. For example look at the wall next to it. The sentences change according to the viewer.
Emozioni How angry are you! Wow! Do you feel sad? Hooray! Yuck! How boring! You decide what to see. You just need to change your expression. Here is the list of emotions that I can recognize: anger, surprise, sadness, happiness, disgust and fear.